Year Four Reflection

Wow. This past year has been unimaginable. I am both in awe at the resiliency of my community, and broken-hearted about the mental health struggles that are coming out of this COVID-19 pandemic. I feel fortunate to have the ability to work for the lab and my job remotely out of Houston, TX as my classes are online this year. I moved home to combat some of the isolating feelings I was experiencing in a very quiet Knoxville and UT community. I hope that soon I will be able to meet face-to-face with friends for a cup of coffee.

Academically, it has been a bit of a challenge to make the change to online classes. This year I have added a second major and minor so I will not be graduating in four years like the rest of my cohort. At first, I thought this was disappointing (and it still is) but I also am optimistic that maybe next year I will have a more normal senior year. I am praying for in-person graduation.

Major: Neuroscience, Psychology
Minor: Entrepreneurship, Public Health
Employment: Knoxville Utilities Board – Vegetation Management
Interests: Hiking, Sunrises, Sunsets, Stargazing, Fly Fishing, Clay Target Sports, Golf, Russian Blue Cats, Black Labs, Gardening, Cook Outs, Bonfires, Learning New Things, etc.